Connect to Capital

Through our trainings and one-on-one counseling, CIE helps our clients determine how much money they need to reach their business goals, connects them to funders, and assists them with the application process. In addition, CIE has the following special initiatives to help our clients connect to capital.

CIE’s Matched Savings Program

CIE’s Matched Savings Program will help up to 50 low-income emerging entrepreneurs save money, complete business training, develop a business plan and receive a 9:1 match on the money they save to invest in their small business. The program is funded by the Washington State Department of Commerce’s Community Reinvestment Program to offer innovative access to capital to support financial self-sufficiency in communities disproportionately directly or indirectly harmed by the war on drugs.

Programa de Ahorro y Apoyo Empresarial de CIE

Las solicitudes ya están abiertas para el Programa de Ahorro y Apoyo Empresarial de CIE. El programa ayudará a hasta 50 emprendedores emergentes de bajos ingresos a ahorrar dinero, completar capacitación empresarial, desarrollar un plan de negocios y recibir un subsidio en contraparte de 9:1 sobre el dinero que ahorren para invertir en su pequeña empresa. El programa está financiado por el Programa de Reinversión Comunitaria del Departamento de Comercio del Estado de Washington para ofrecer acceso innovador a capital y apoyar la autosuficiencia financiera en comunidades que han sido afectadas directa o indirectamente por la guerra contra las drogas.


Kiva is a crowd-lending program that bridges the gap between historically marginalized entrepreneurs and business capital by facilitating no-fee, 0% interest business loans up to $15,000 to entrepreneurs through millions of lenders and strategic partnerships around the globe.

Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Grants

REAP (Rural Energy for America Program) and REDA (Rural Development for America) help farmers and rural businesses make energy efficiency improvements and renewable energy investments by offering grants to cover up to 50% of your projects and loans to cover an additional 25%.


Food Resiliency Loans

We partner with North Coast Credit Union to make sure that loan capital is accessible to small and early-stage businesses contributing to the resiliency of the local food system.

Not sure which is the best fit? Give us a call and we’ll help you navigate through the options.