Sweet Beginnings: Anissa's Path to Pastry Success

Meet Anissa, the passionate force behind La Pâtissière, a small business that crafts delightful pastries, drawing inspiration from both French and Middle Eastern traditions. Hailing from Tunisia, Anissa embarked on a journey to establish her own business in the City of Pullman. Below, we'll delve into Anissa's business journey, her challenges, triumphs, and the valuable lessons she gained along the way.

A Culinary Odyssey

Anissa's culinary journey began in her home country, where she learned valuable skills in crafting French and Middle Eastern pastries. Upon moving to Washington, the desire to have her own business burned brightly within her.

Navigating the Unknown

With limited knowledge of local regulations and business practices, Anissa faced a daunting challenge. She turned to research, sought advice from friends, and ultimately discovered the Center for Inclusive Entrepreneurship (CIE) through a friend, Larissa, who is also a CIE client. Enrolling in Start Simple proved to be a pivotal moment, providing Anissa with the guidance she needed to navigate the complexities of starting a business in a foreign land.

"I didn't know from where to start? How can I do this? How can I, I didn't even know how to get a license. So Start Simple were really helpful for me to know the market, to know how I can start, think about my customers, and plan my budget," Anissa reflects.

Start Simple, Grow Steady

Before her encounter with CIE and her advisor, Juan, Anissa envisioned a grand launch for her pastry business. However, Juan's advice encouraged her to start small, gradually building her brand and reputation.

"Juan advised me to start with the market, selling my pastries at small local events. So that people can know me, and even if I go to the bank, the business is established first. People know the business," Anissa shares.

This strategic approach, starting with local events and markets, allowed Anissa to introduce herself to the community, gain valuable feedback, and establish a foundation for her future endeavors.

Learning Through Experience

Anissa acknowledges that her initial eagerness to dive into a full-fledged store would have strained her budget. Instead, she embraced the opportunity to learn from event to event, market to market. This hands-on approach has enabled her to understand her customers, identify market trends, and refine her offerings.

"Right now, I'm learning from market to market, from events to events, what people need exactly, what they want from me. And, of course, figuring out all the logistics, from where I should buy my ingredients to where I should have my license and pay my taxes," Anissa shares.

Embracing Mistakes as Learning Opportunities

Anissa acknowledges making mistakes along the way, but she views them as invaluable lessons. "I honestly did a lot of mistakes, but I'm okay with that because I'm learning. It's good to learn from the markets," she reflects.

As she prepares for her first market this Saturday, Anissa continues to adapt and refine her approach, recognizing the diversity in her customer base and the need to cater to various preferences.

Juan's Insight

Amidst Anissa's entrepreneurial journey, Juan, her advisor, brings a unique perspective to the table. He applauds Anissa's courage in acknowledging that mistakes are an inevitable part of growth. Juan expresses, "What I really respect about the whole process that's happening is that Anissa is very brave to accept that mistakes will be made. But Anissa understands that that's apart of growth. And I think that she’s gonna get very far knowing that she’s learning along the way."

Juan sees beyond the challenges and recognizes the immense potential within Anissa's venture. He emphasizes the importance of having a timeline, allowing Anissa to organize herself efficiently. "Anissa’s goal of having this bakery will happen, but now she has a timeline. So she can organize herself. Absolutely. I think what she’s doing is amazing," Juan encourages.

This insight from Juan sheds light on the significance of not just the destination but the journey itself. Anissa's willingness to start small, learn from her experiences, and embrace the learning curve aligns seamlessly with Juan's vision for steady and sustainable progress.

6 Month Follow-up

Since our last update nearly 6 months ago in July, Anissa's pastry journey with La Pâtissière continues to blossom, marked by market success and a growing community following. 

Anissa's presence at local markets, including the winter markets in Pullman and Moscow, has been met with enthusiasm from customers and the community alike. Despite the challenges of balancing her full-time job at Sunnyside Elementary School, Anissa's dedication to her craft shines through at every market she attends, with unwavering support from her colleagues and the local community. 

Anissa continually experiments with new recipes to cater to the diverse preferences of her customers. While baklava remains a signature item, Anissa is also exploring other Middle Eastern pastries, seeking to expand her offerings and differentiate herself in the market. By actively soliciting feedback from customers and observing market trends, Anissa is positioning La Pâtissière as a go-to destination for unique and indulgent treats.

As she explores new flavors, Anissa's dream of establishing a brick-and-mortar presence in Pullman or Moscow is steadily taking shape. With each pastry sold and each market attended, Anissa moves closer to turning her sweet beginnings into a thriving business that delights customers and enriches the community.

Stay connected with La Pâtissière and the markets Anissa will be attending this year by following her on Facebook and Instagram.

Facebook | La Pâtissière Etc.

Instagram | Lapatissiere8