Musician Becomes Entrepreneur

Marge Rosen was scheduled to play trumpet with the Port Angeles Symphony celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Ballet Workshop, to conduct the summer season of the Port Townsend Summer Band and continue as lead trumpeter for the Seattle Women’s Jazz Orchestra, along with many other gigs.

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“COVID canceled all of my performances and rehearsals, so I have a lot of time on my hands,” said Marge Rosen, musician and resident of Port Angeles. 

Since mid-March, the entire year of bookings were on hold and eventually canceled.  She’s grateful for Pandemic Unemployment Insurance, but it will run out before live music is back in business.

“I’m a lifelong game enthusiast, so I’ve been playing games. Board games, video games and card games.  It seemed like the perfect time to fuse my two passions - games and music!”

She had an idea for a music themed board game but didn’t know if or how it could be a business.

Marge learned about the Center for Inclusive Entrepreneurship at a virtual job fair.  She completed their Bootstrap Business Course and continues to meet with Business Advisor Rick Dickinson. She plans to take the Lean Startup Course in January and has been attending virtual workshops from the Washington Small Business Development Center.

Her goal is to continue developing her game as a new business, partner with a graphic designer, and eventually launch a Kickstarter project in 2021.